
This function applies QC checks on an irradiance Dataframe and outputs visual graphs.

libinsitu.visual_qc(df, latitude=None, longitude=None, elevation=None, station_id=None, station_name=None, with_horizons=False, with_mc_clear=False, show_flag=ShowFlag.SHOW, graph_id: Optional[GraphId] = None)

Generates matplotlib graphs for visual QC

  • df – Dataframe of input irradiance. It should have a time index and 3 columns : GHI, DHI, BNI). This dataframe can typically be obtained with netcdf_to_dataframe(… rename_cols=True)

  • latitude – Latitude of the station. Can also be passed as meta data (.attrs) of the Dataframe

  • longitude – Longitude of the station. Can also be passed as meta data (.attrs) of the Dataframe

  • elevation – elevation of the station. Can also be passed as meta data (.attrs) of the Dataframe

  • station_id – Id of the station (optional). Can also be passed as meta data (.attrs) of the Dataframe

  • station_id – Name of the station (optional). Can also be passed as meta data (.attrs) of the Dataframe

  • with_horizons – True to compute horizons (requires network)

  • with_mc_clear – True to compute mc_clear from SODA (requires SODA credentials and network access)

  • graph_id – If not None, only display a specific graph